Writing Institutes

We have created our multi-day writing institutes so that teachers can come together and enjoy what feels like a ‘working holiday’ where they can learn about different aspects of teaching writing, network, and enjoy the company of like-minded colleagues. Our institutes can run either in or out of term time. We have found that our institutes can be particularly attractive to schools who are committed to improving children’s writing experiences and outcomes but may have limited budgets. Senior leadership teams are often willing to pay or heavily subsidise teachers’ participation in these institutes particularly if they are run outside of term-time.

Writing Across The Curriculum

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A Three Day Institute
Featuring: Ross Young, Jonny Walker & Felicity Ferguson
Limited to 10-30 delegates

The Writing For Pleasure Centre will lead a three day institute that focuses on writing across the curriculum in KS2. This institute will help you and your school teach children how to write meaningfully and successfully across the subject domains. It will also help teachers identify the qualities of successful writing within the subject-specific disciplines. Therefore, this institute will be just as useful for coordinators of the foundation subjects as it will be for literacy coordinators. Our mission is for you to leave the institute itching to do some of your own writing too!

We’ve chosen this focus in response to the new Ofsted framework but also because we know that, when children develop their writing skills across the whole curriculum, their writing progress can increase dramatically. We know too that, when teachers take writing across the curriculum seriously, children become great knowledge- builders.

You’ll come away from this institute knowing how to set up writing projects which encourage children to write up their own science experiments, to explain scientific phenomena or even discuss scientific theories. Children will learn how to write public history, account for and even debate the past, and write biographies. Children will learn how to effectively explain, discuss and give their opinion on geographical, social and environmental events. We will also discuss how we can give these projects high status, and ensure children see them as purposeful and authentic.

Teachers are also asked to bring an example of practice to share and discuss with the group. This can be what they consider successful practice or it can be something they would like advice and support on developing.

Finally, all teachers who join us for the institute automatically become teacher affiliates to The Writing For Pleasure Centre where they can access our ‘Office Hours’ initiative, read and share examples of practice and access priority and discounted booking for future institutes and writing retreats.

If you’re interested in hosting one of our institutes, please get in touch at: literacyforpleasure@gmail.com